Home Entertainment News Triumph Over Adversity: Iowa Mom’s Story of Resilience Hits Best Seller Lists and Inspires Readers Internationally

Triumph Over Adversity: Iowa Mom’s Story of Resilience Hits Best Seller Lists and Inspires Readers Internationally

Triumph Over Adversity:  Iowa Mom’s Story of Resilience Hits Best Seller Lists and Inspires Readers Internationally

Author G.L. Gooding with best-selling books Where Courage Began and The Road to Resilience

Where Courage Began by G.L. Gooding

Where Courage Began by G.L. Gooding

The Road to Resilience by G.L. Gooding

The Road to Resilience by G.L. Gooding

Where Courage Began & The Road to Resilience by G.L. Gooding are Mother’s Day must-reads for those who cherish the strength of the human spirit.

Exceptionally well written with a genuine and memorable flair for the kind of ‘feel good’ narrative fiction that wins literary prizes…fully entertaining, engaging, and memorable…”

— Midwest Book Review

WOODWARD, IOWA, UNITED STATES, May 3, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — G.L. Gooding’s novels, Where Courage Began and The Road to Resilience have captured the hearts of readers worldwide, earning both books a coveted spot on this year’s bestseller lists for Family Life and Historical Fiction.

G.L. Gooding’s inspiration for writing his series stemmed from a poignant moment shared with his elderly mother. When the author asked his mom for her earliest memory, she unexpectedly recounted a very harrowing tale. At just 5 years old, Velma and her 7-year-old sister were left alone to care for their baby brothers by the stove in an Iowa farmhouse. The children watched their mother disappear into a blinding Midwest blizzard to seek help for their father who was dying in the other room. From this deeply personal memory, Gooding drew inspiration to weave a rich tapestry of resilience, family bonds, and unwavering determination based on his mother’s life story.

The heartwarming and inspiring saga begins in the early 1900s in rural Iowa and authentically portrays the many challenges faced by the young, widowed family. Verified for historical accuracy, Gooding’s vivid storytelling and meticulous attention to detail have garnered widespread praise. Readers and critics alike have lauded the relatable characters and their values for God, the land, hard work, family, and friendship that was a substantial part of Depression-era America in the heartland.

Gooding says, “I was able to capture the essence of my mother’s indomitable spirit. Readers say that she reminds them of their own mothers and grandmothers, and that my work speaks to the profound impact mothers can have on shaping our lives and inspiring us to face challenges with grace and determination. My mother would be overwhelmed by the incredible attention.”

The success of his two books has also ignited anticipation for upcoming installments in the Velma’s Story series. Gooding has confirmed that the third book will hit shelves later this year and the fourth and final book will launch in 2025.

A heartfelt tribute to Moms everywhere, the first two books are available now in bookstores and online—a memorable gift that is perfect for Mother’s Day. Where Courage Began and The Road to Resilience are must-reads for readers who appreciate the strength of the human spirit.


Ohio novelist G. L. Gooding is the author of five novels that have warmed the hearts of audiences around the globe. Gooding and his wife Sarah live in Chagrin Falls, Ohio with their beloved dog Cooper.

Gooding is significantly visually impaired. After multiple retinal detachments, he faced severe central vision loss while finishing his first novel. Although living with Ocular Histoplasmosis, which has symptoms similar to Macular Degeneration, Gooding has found creative ways to write, edit, and produce his work.


Available in paperback, e-book, and large-print editions, Gooding’s first novel Fresh Snow on Bedford Falls is an award-winning historical mystery that picks up where the classic film It’s a Wonderful Life ends. Serving as a literary sequel to the iconic movie, the novel is also available as an audiobook narrated by industry legend George Guidall, celebrated as ‘the voice of choice’ among audiobook aficionados.

In his second novel Yellum, Gooding shifts gears to deliver a faith-focused narrative, shedding light on the extraordinary journey of a special donkey with the divine task of carrying Mary to Bethlehem for the birth of the Christ Child. This touching animal adventure is available in both print and audio formats, with the audiobook narrated by emerging talent Katherine E.D. Swift.

Gooding’s third book Murder in Minnesota masterfully blends historical fiction with mystery, transporting readers to 1970s America for a captivating road trip filled with danger and suspense.

Gooding’s fourth and fifth novels pay homage to his mother’s courageous life during the early-to-mid-1900s. Where Courage Began and Road to Resilience form the cornerstone of the Velma’s Story series, chronicling the hardships and triumphs of life in the rural America of yesteryear. Through compelling storytelling and authentic historical detail, Gooding offers readers an unforgettable glimpse into the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Visit www.GLGooding.com

For more information or author interviews, contact Robin Blakely.
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Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
+1 660-973-2723
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/708485158/triumph-over-adversity-iowa-mom-s-story-of-resilience-hits-best-seller-lists-and-inspires-readers-internationally